“Hate thy neighbor”

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I wonder. I wonder how it must feel to awaken each morning, get out of bed, start to get ready for the day ahead, and know — deep down in your gut — that the whole world can’t stand you. Having LOATHED Mr. JD Vance for YEARS now, this writer is delighted that most of America seems to feel the same way. It does me good to see the intelligence of the American people, who are also excellent judges of character!

But even I can’t believe what is happening with Vance now. I really do wonder sometimes if the man has any idea how genuinely repelled people are by him. I think possibly not. This article contains two little Vance morsels, both of which show the Hillbilly pretender’s fake and uncouth ways.

First, as Bill Palmer told you, Vance appeared on Meet the Press, and it went awfully. Vance unfathomably doubled down on his cat lady comments, ensuring that at least some women (the smart ones) would not vote for him.

The second is the ruckus with his neighbors. Uh-oh. The phrase “love thy neighbor” apparently hasn’t yet made its way to Vance’s earlobes. Some of his neighbors lashed out at him after the Secret Service closed a public park in Alexandria, Virginia.

It is called The Judy Lowe Neighborhood Park. “Closed until further notice.”

“The park belongs to the city!” Outraged neighbors took to social media to express their shock that this would happen. After all, it’s a public park that the people of Alexandria have enjoyed for a long time. Now it’s “closed until further notice.”

“He should move!” Many outraged people said Vance is aiding the government in “infringing on people’s rights.” Others said the park belongs to the people, and they should be free to move about and use it, as they please.

Still, others expressed their shock that Vance would be living in Alexandria at all because it’s such a progressive city — a LIBERAL city, liberalism being something Vance regularly makes fun of.

I think what some of these people do not understand about Vance is that he’s a sort of hitchhiker — hitching his wagon to any passing political policy that he thinks will do him the most good.
So you see, it is actually POSSIBLE that Vance likes some of our policies and is simply pretending not to. It is ALSO possible that Vance hates all our policies.

But — and this is important — It is possible that Vance HAS no specific opinions on anything. I once read an great analogy which fits Vance to a tee.

Vance is that spy, who then betrays the country he spies for by going to the other side — and then betrays THEM as well by going BACK — meaning that Vance may not have ANY true beliefs about ANYTHING, really. Now, please also remember that ALL of this is coming after the doughnut shop fiasco. The man can’t stay out of the news for one day.

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