Donald Trump begins making hallucinatory claims about visitors in the hospital

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Earlier today Donald Trump’s doctors announced that he’s been placed on dexamethasone, a drug that’s generally only given to coronavirus patients if there’s an expectation that the virus is getting into the lungs. Not only does this cast doubt on Dr. Conley’s assertion that Trump’s condition is improving, it also raises questions about the drug’s side effects.

There’s a reason doctors generally only give dexamethasone to coronavirus patients if it’s getting bad for them: the drug can cause “confusional state, hallucinations, dizziness, somnolence, fatigue, syncope and blurred vision.” These kinds of side effects would disqualify Trump from being able to do the job, yet he’s on the drug anyway.

Now we’re seeing signs that perhaps Trump is indeed suffering outright hallucinations. Trump tweeted a video this evening in which he claimed that he’s “gotten to meet some of the soldiers” in Walter Reed. To be clear, this could not have happened. These’s no way that even these compromised doctors would allow Trump to visit with soldiers who are patients, due to fear that he’d spread the virus to them, even if he were masked and socially distant.

So it sounds like Donald Trump is now suffering hallucinations. That might sound like a harsh accusation for us to make, but hey, he’s the one who’s talking about having visitors in the hospital that he definitely did not have.

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