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Dear Palmer Report readers, we need $1841 to keep our fight going against Trump. Please click here to donate whatever you can

Are MAGA voters regretting their choice yet? Based on recent news, they should be. Republicans have been trying to overturn the ACA since Trump came to office the first time. Thanks to John McCain, that didn’t happen. Unfortunately, there is no John McCain in the senate this time around, so they may succeed with dismantling the program without a replacement-not an inadequate replacement but none. Thinking that Trump couldn’t possibly do anything that would hurt them so much, new signups for the ACA are primarily from Trump states. Once again voting against their own interests, they will have to wait and see what happens after Trump takes office.

Shared by Newsweek, the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services reported that over 3 million Americans signed up for coverage between November 1 and November 22. 500,000 of the signups are new applicants, and 4 out of 5 people who signed up are Trump states. Trump talked about getting rid of the ACA throughout the life of his campaign. These people either weren’t listening, didn’t believe him, or think they will force him to keep it. Trump does not care what people think or satisfying the people who voted for him.

Speaker of the House Mike Johnson has been talking about getting rid of the ACA since October. He said that it will be “a big part of the agenda.” When asked by an attendee if that meant “no Obamacare,” Johnson said, “No Obamacare.” Johnson said that they had “a lot of ideas” on replacement, and during the debate, Trump said that he had “a concept of a plan.” That means they have nothing to replace it, nor do they care. If they did, they would have had a plan in place before talking about replacement. When asked by Newsweek about Trump’s plan, his transition spokesperson said: “[Trump] will deliver on the promise of implementing principles that allow for more choice in the marketplace and efficiency as tools for better, more affordable healthcare.” That means they don’t have a replacement. People who talk too much usually have nothing to back up that talk, and Trump is no different. Peter Loge, who worked with President Obama on his signature legislation told Newsweek: “The voters who were drawn to Trump in the 2024 election-those struggling with inflation and facing difficulty in making ends meet-are the very people who are helped most by programs like the ACA, nutrition assistance, and Medicaid. Our system can be better, but getting rid of the ACA would make life much worse for millions of people.” Yet, many of those millions stupidly voted for Donald Trump.

Leah Wright Rigier spoke to CNN and shared that most of Trump’s policies will negatively impact the very people he claimed to want to protect. The policies established by President Joe Biden have been helping red states, and she believes those policies will remain. People just don’t think. Even as they criticized President Biden, his policies helped them. These are the same people who will likely give the credit to Trump because they just don’t get how the presidency works.

Dear Palmer Report readers, we need $1841 to keep our fight going against Trump. Please click here to donate whatever you can