Gym Jordan

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“Your letter makes it clear that you lack a basic understanding of the law.” These words were spoken by Georgia DA Fani Willis in a letter to nobody’s favorite screamer Gym Jordan.

“Overstepping his congressional authority.” Jim has been meddling in Fanny Willis‘s case just like he did with Alvin Bragg and Jack Smith. If there is a case to be meddled in, rest assured Gym will do it. It’s not getting him anywhere except no doubt, to a sketch on Saturday Night Live.

Gym Jordan is barking up the wrong tree with Willis. She is a spirited and fiery woman. In fact, Willis encompasses all the characteristics of a true warrior. Gym Jordan encompasses all the characteristics of sludge.

Willis, in her letter, said the fundamental purpose of Jordan’s meddling, is to obstruct her investigation, and I could not agree more. “Your job as a legislator does not include criminal enforcement,” Willis wrote.

She’s right. No it doesn’t. Gym’s job includes many things, none of which he’s actually done because Gym Jordan has shown he doesn’t like to work. What he does like to do is lurk. And he’s been lurking away, poking his nose into places it shouldn’t be, trying to obstruct investigations.

There’s really not much that can get through to Gym because he has an unusually thick skull that doesn’t register phrases like “critical thinking skills.” Willis with this letter has shown she’s a force to be reckoned with. Of course we already knew that and now we just know it a little bit more. Gym however is a force of stupidity and every day he shows us that a bit more.

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