Guns N’ Roses sticks it to Donald Trump

We still need to raise $1541 to continue our fight against Trump. Please click here to donate whatever you can.

First we saw someone blare the Guns N’ Roses recording of “Live and Let Die” over the PA system at a factory while Donald Trump was touring the place and refusing to wear a mask. Then the next day we saw Guns N’ Roses singer Axl Rose condemn Trump’s Treasury Secretary Steve Mnuchin on Twitter, only for Mnuchin to bizarrely fire back.

Now Guns N’ Roses is taking its anti-Trump stance to a whole new level, by selling a T-shirt on its website that reads “Live N’ Let Die with Covid 45.” The number 45 is a clear reference to Donald Trump being the 45th president:

Guns N’ Roses says that all profits from sales of the T-shirt will go to the Musicares charity. You can order it here.

We still need to raise $1541 to continue our fight against Trump. Please click here to donate whatever you can.