Greg Abbott resorts to increasingly diabolical stunts in Texas

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I think it’s pretty accurate to say the democratic party is the party of dreams. When we close our eyes, we see an America that’s welcoming, loves all people, doesn’t care what sex or race one is, who one loves, and how one worships. All people are valued and add greatness to our nation.

The Republicans are the direct opposite. Only some people matter to them. Only those who walk in lockstep are deemed worthy by most Republicans. And, of course, Governor Greg Abbott is among the worst. Palmer Report has previously laid out what Abbott was doing at the border. He has implemented new inspections for commercial trucks coming to Texas from Mexico. It’s become a nightmare.

There are traffic jams and backlogs; people are not getting their orders on time. It’s chaos. It’s chaos caused by Governor Greg Abbott, who plays politics with our goods and services.

The Texas economy is taking quite a hit.

But that’s not all Abbott is doing. Amid this chaos and disorder, Abbott somehow found time to drop a busload of Texas migrants off in DC.

And guess where Abbott chose to drop them? Right in front of the headquarters of Fox non-news. Fox even reported on the story that the migrants had been dropped close to the Capitol — neglecting to say they had really been dropped right in front of their very offices!

So here is Abbott’s plan to win reelection:

Engage in public stunts to get attention.

Promise to catch every rapist in Texas.

Make abortion practically illegal.

Let Texans freeze when the power grid breaks as it made the last year.

Hold up the supply chain with fake rules initiated solely for his own benefit.

Turn the transportation of goods and services into a nightmare.

Go after Trans kids.

Texans — are you listening? Beto is catching up in the polls. He is doing outstanding work. Your Governor, on the other hand, is doing NO work. We all dream of a better America. But every dream requires hard work from the dreamers. BE that dreamer. Let’s work hard to get Abbott out of the Governor’s office. We CAN do it. This is not a dream that is out of reach. It just needs the hands of dreamers to guide it.

We need to raise $3133 to keep our fight going against Trump. Click here to donate what you can.