Governor Greg Abbott just gave away how truly bad the coronavirus crisis is in Texas

Note from Bill Palmer: Major media outlets are caving to Trump already. Publishing platforms are at risk. Palmer Report is leading the fight. Please consider donating $25.

It seems like barely a week ago when a number of Republican Governors were still telling us that the coronavirus was on its way out, and that everyone should rush out and partake in local business establishments in public. But the virus was never under control, and now all this “reopening” made things even more out of control.

With the number of new coronavirus cases now spiking in the states that “reopened” the most recklessly, people like Texas Governor Greg Abbott can no longer hide how bad things are. So instead of pretending that the crisis has gone away, Abbott is now pretending that it’s all the fault of young people. No, really.

Governor Abbott announced today that the spike in coronavirus cases in Texas is a result of people ages twenty to twenty-nine going out and behaving irresponsibly. While it may be true that younger people in his state are going out too much, Abbott is the one who told people that it was safe to go out.

In any case, the real story here is that the coronavirus crisis is now getting so bad in Texas and some other red states, Republicans like Abbott have all but abandoned the narrative that the crisis is somehow magically over. It’s gotten so bad, they can’t even pretend things are good. Now they’re just trying to figure out how to scapegoat a demographic who tends not to vote Republican anyway. Now more then ever, it’s important to keep yourself safe.

Note from Bill Palmer: Major media outlets are caving to Trump already. Publishing platforms are at risk. Palmer Report is leading the fight. Please consider donating $25.