The Governor of Maine just put Donald Trump in his place

With a hundred thousand Americans dead and counting, a collapsed economy, the police murdering people, and peaceful protesters being gassed outside the White House, and Donald Trump’s poll numbers in freefall, he’s decided that now is the time to take a phony victory lap and hope anyone falls for it.
To that end, Trump is about to visit Maine, where he’ll tour a medical equipment manufacturing plant. The thing is, he’s not exactly wanted in the state. Governor Janet Mills is telling Trump to “check his inflammatory rhetoric at the door and abandon the divisive language that sows seeds of distrust among our people.”
Of course this means that Donald Trump will probably just end up viciously attacking Governor Mills on Twitter, because it’s all he knows how to do these days, with everything falling apart for him. Over the past twenty-four hours Trump has attacked General James Mattis and General John Kelly, while vowing to destroy Republican Senator Lisa Murkowski.