Donald Trump got played

Donald Trump’s Secretary of State Mike Pompeo announced today that he’s going to try to release some more of Hillary Clinton’s emails before the election. If this is supposed to be an October surprise, the “surprise” is that Hillary isn’t running this time.

It’s clear that Pompeo has nothing up his sleeve that will gain Trump a single vote in this election. So instead he’s blowing smoke up Trump’s backside by releasing some nonsense about someone whom Trump hates. It won’t help Trump any, but it might appease him, and keep him from realizing that Pompeo isn’t of any actual use to him.

Bill Barr also let it be known today that he won’t be releasing the results of the Durham probe into the Trump-Russia investigation until after the election. In other words, Durham didn’t find anything that would help Trump’s case, because there was nothing. Barr has been blowing smoke at Trump for quite some time, pretending he was going to magically find something before the election that would help Trump. As it turns out, nope.

The bottom line is that Trump is such an obvious narcissist, his underlings like Pompeo and Barr were able to take advantage of it and convince him that they were helping him when they really had nothing to offer him. Trump’s recent grumblings on Twitter about Bill Barr suggest that he may finally be catching on – but it’s far too late. Donald Trump got played.

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