GOP in panic mode

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In politics, image is a big part of it. Politicians usually try to project an image of calm and stealthy, self-confidence. They want the American people to be reassured by images of tough and unwavering self-assurance.

But at the end of the day, when the lights go out and they find themselves alone, many politicians take off their fake and tired personas and allow their true emotions to shine through.

And according to many, the true emotion right this very second of the Republican party is — panic. Panic and horror. That’s a lethal cocktail if I ever saw one. And the reason for the petrified rumblings of the GOP is that they feel Donald Trump could have criminal exposure and could be charged. Ya think?

Many in the GOP are obviously watching the hearings. They quietly pretend not to. And according to multiple reports, many of them are not liking what they’re hearing. So yes, many of them are scared. This isn’t anything new, of course. Fear and the GOP walk the political journey in lockstep. Have you ever seen fear shine more brightly and be more omnipresent than in the Republican party?

Their whole platform instills fear in others, but that doesn’t mean they do not feel it themselves. And they know the January 6 hearings are working. They hear what we hear and see what we see. They must understand that it is only a matter of time.

And it cannot help that Trump is their silent albatross — sticking so tightly to them, he may as well be part of them. They can’t stand up to him, and they can’t obviously get behind an insurrection.

So, yes, the GOP are quivering in their boots. Isn’t it nice to see? They are dreadfully afraid they won’t win in November. Polls are coming out, and all of them — ALL OF THEM — show the Democrats now tied or ahead in House and Senate match-ups. So, let them quiver away. And there will be plenty more where that came from in September. If I were a Republican, I’d be very anxious about now.

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