GOP goes off the deep end

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Some people have expressed much joy and jubilation in the wake of the guilty verdict.SOME. For what of the others? What of the Republican chickens who have come home to let loose? What of the cowards on the right who have pledged their souls to love, honor, and support Donald John Trump, forsaking all others till they lose again and again and again at the ballot box?

Well — to say Republicans have gone insane does not do it justice. REPUBLICANS HAVE LOST THEIR MINDS. Sanity has gone for a walk, and does not appear to want to come back. Would it not be fun, to look at specific republicans who seem to be in the grip of some fugue state, where all they hear are howls of insanity?

Little Marco Rubio. Marco who wouldn’t know a good speech if it broke down his door, is taking heat for likening Trump’s guilty verdict to the hardships of the Cuban people and Fidel Castro’s regime. This is both sad and laughable, but don’t worry. His comments made headlines, and he is currently being laughed at on Twitter at a rate faster than the speed of light.

Moving on — we come to little Junior, Twitter troll, and son of daddy dearest. He announced America is now a “third-world shithole country.” I have always said Junior may indeed be the one person dumber than Trump himself.

But we must be solemn with this next one and take this VERY seriously. Susan Collins is concerned. Collins insists Bragg brought the charges because of who Trump is, not what he did. Anyway, Susie is very concerned, I tell you — very. (Lots more concern then she showed when women’s rights were under attack and she chose to vote for Beer boy.)

Then there is Gym Jordan, who has gone batshit crazy on Twitter, and if one listens hard enough, one can likely hear his screams, even now. Anyway, Gymbo wants Bragg to come before Congress. Whatever you say, Gym! By the way, George Clooney’s movie says hello.

Megyn Kelly. I have rarely seen anything like this meltdown. It is hard to believe she was a respected journalist at one time, isn’t it? Anyway, Kelly said Obama and Joe Biden should be prosecuted. I am not sure for WHAT since they haven’t broken any laws, but that does not appear to matter. Kelly literally looked like smoke was going to start steaming out of her ears. It was remarkable.

Creepy Mike Johnson is firmly on Trump’s side as he insists on saying repeatedly. I suppose his God, whomever he is, has no problem with married men sleeping with porn stars.

JD Vance. This puppy is particularly hyper-springy. Desperately aching for the VP nod, Vance is declaring that Democrats “cooked up” this whole trial.

Lindsey Graham, South Carolina Senator and Trump bootlicker, appears deep in mourning, saying the New York legal system is a “joke.” The only joke that I see is Graham’s political career.

So yes, I could likely fill up 500 pages with all the nonsense Republicans are throwing. They have truly lost their minds.

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