GOP caught trying to hide coronavirus outbreak within Pennsylvania House of Representatives

Even as Republican office holders across the nation continue to try to convince us that the coronavirus crisis is basically over, and that it’s somehow safe to “reopen” everything, the testing and death toll numbers have pointed to the opposite. Now it turns out the GOP’s lies aren’t limited to the overall coronavirus situation, but also to what’s going on within their own ranks.
Pennsylvania House Democrat Brian Sims posted this stunning news this evening:
3) Republican Leadership must be investigated by the Attorney General to determine which laws and ethics codes have been violated, and
4) House Speaker Mike Turzai and any Members of Republican Leadership that withheld information about positive tests for Covid-19 must resign.— Brian Sims
(@BrianSimsPA) May 27, 2020
Sims went on to add this: “One particular Committee appears to be hardest hit, & it’s a Committee I serve on that has met more than any other in the State during the pandemic. Our Members lives, and the lives of their families, were put in grave risk to protect the LIE that people are safe to gather.”
Meanwhile, Pennsylvania House Democrat Kevin Boyle is raising questions about whether the Pennsylvania House GOP is now attempting to delete evidence to cover up the fact that its knowingly infected members were showing up to the House:
Hey @PAHouseGOP where is the State Government Committee video from Wednesday May 13!? Videos from committee meetings go back a decade but this video is mysteriously not there. I hope there is nothing you are covering up!
— Rep. Kevin J. Boyle (@RepKevinBoyle) May 28, 2020