Goodbye and good riddance!

One thing chameleons are fantastic at is the art of disguise. They are skillful at slipping deftly from one disguise to another. When Kyrsten Sinema first won her senate seat, I thought I’d adore her.
I was impressed by her background and expected her to be a voice for all people on many issues, from abortion to the minimum wage to climate change. I did not expect that Sinema was a chameleon and that she’d hidden one of her best disguises, the green one.
Not green as it relates to our beautiful earth. I speak of the green of money. Turns out, Sinema showed way more love for the green dollar bill than she ever has for her own voters. She had green dollar stars in her eyes, as she proceeded to show again and again.
In the wake of Sinema’s announcement that she will not seek another term, I have a few words to say. Sinema ended her senate career as one might have expected — with defiance. Sounding less like a senator and more like a sullen child, Sinema talked about how great she is and how much she’d done in her brief and bitter time in the Senate.
She blamed her decision on her own voters, saying the country was not ready for her brand of politics of coming together. What a load of crap. Sinema has shown she has yet to learn one thing. The little pink-etched princess is still alone in her Rapunzel tower, unable to see sunlight because she won’t let herself.
If Sinema had met with the thousands of people who begged her for meetings, she may have found running again more to her liking. I do not doubt that she conducted internal polls, which must have been quite ominous for her. After all, virtually all public polls had her in a distance third.
If the little princess had not kept herself locked away, captive to her donors, she might have seen more favorable polling. Perhaps if she could take back that curtsy she gave (with a smile) as she ruined countless lives by contemptuously voting against upping the minimum wage, she’d have been able to run again.
Perhaps if the forlorn little Senator had bothered to do interviews, meet with her local voters, or do anything else to show she cared about people, she might not have earned a challenger. Everything that Sinema did showed her contempt for:
Her voters
The Democratic party
working together with others.
Her list of what her assistants had to do for her was shocking, even by political standards. Her demands showed an inflated ego, whose greatest achievement was getting elected in the first place. After that, nothing. So we bid ado to yet another narcissist.
Sinema got what was coming to her. I could not be happier to see the chameleon cast aside her many disguises and lead the real Sinema show. That real Sinema is a self-absorbed, clueless, money-hungry money machine with delusions of grandeurโgoodbye and good riddance.