Good news for the Democrats

Note from Bill Palmer: Major media outlets are caving to Trump already. Publishing platforms are at risk. Palmer Report is leading the fight. Please consider donating $25.

It’s getting so close. So very, very close. Doesn’t it seem like it was just yesterday that Kamala Harris stepped into her new role as the future Madam President? Time goes by so quickly, like a magic watch ticking down as we wait with bated breath to see victory. In that regard, there is good news — from Cook Political report.

Cook Political Report’s newest move? The nonpartisan group has shifted some races. — toward the Democrats. For example, in Illinois, Rep. Eric Sorenson is running for reelection in the 17th Congressional District. His race has now moved from “lean blue” to “likely blue.”

According to Cook, a pair of Iowa House races are also in tossup territory. The best news of all is in Montana. In Montana’s first district, the House race has been moved from likely Republican to lean Republican. That’s a whole lot of races.

It does appear more and more races are changing as independents break for the Democratic party. Lots of this has to do with money and with YOU. With all of our work, the Democratic candidates are running circles around the Republicans with cash on hand. So they’re hitting the airwaves, cutting ads, and in general campaigning like there’s no tomorrow.

As for taking back the House — remember, my friends all it will take is FOUR seats — FOUR SEATS — and we have the majority. Yes, time moves quickly. But we’re moving as well. We’re upping our game, and we are firmly ready for the home stretch. Donate now

Note from Bill Palmer: Major media outlets are caving to Trump already. Publishing platforms are at risk. Palmer Report is leading the fight. Please consider donating $25.