Donald Trump goes berserk after getting caught lazing around at a golf resort during Benghazi-like crisis in Iraq

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Donald Trump and the Republican Party have spent years falsely claiming that Hillary Clinton was negligently responsible for the deadly attack on the U.S. embassy in Benghazi. As has so often ended up being the case, Trump faced a Benghazi-like crisis of his own today, as insurgents descended on the U.S. embassy in Iraq.

Even as the U.S. embassy was under attack today, the media reported that Donald Trump had traveled from his Florida home of Mar-a-Lago to his Trump International Golf Club. In other words, Trump was lazing around at a golf resort while the United States was under attack. Trump couldn’t handle getting caught with his pants down, so he went berserk on Twitter accordingly:

The Fake News said I played golf today, and I did NOT! I had meeting in various locations, while closely monitoring the U.S. Embassy situation in Iraq, which I am still doing. The Corrupt Lamestream Media knew this but, not surprisingly, failed to report or correct!

Of course the media didn’t report that Trump was actually golfing today; it simply reported (accurately) that he had traveled to his golf resort today. But facts and truth don’t matter to Trump of course. Seemingly realizing that he was losing the perception battle, Trump then desperately tried to turn things around by tweeting that today’s attack was somehow “The Anti-Benghazi!” That didn’t get him anywhere either.

ALERT: we need to raise $5606 to continue our fight against Trump. Click here to donate what you can.