God takes aim at Donald Trump

This week Donald Trump tear gassed peaceful protesters (and clergy members) so he could stage a photo op outside a church that hadn’t invited him, promoting rebuke from the worldwide head of the Episcopal Church. Then he staged another deranged photo op, prompting condemnation from a Catholic Bishop. Now God seems to be sending Trump a message, so to speak.
NBA veteran and all around good guy Rex Chapman posted this surreal video footage tonight, showing lightning hitting the Washington Monument, which is directly behind the White House:
If the above video won’t load on your device, you can watch it here. The symbolism can’t be missed, with lightning coming that close to the White House, shortly after two major churches condemned Donald Trump for his actions, even as he’s been hiding in a bunker. The famous Twitter parody account known as “God” responded to the video by saying “My aim’s not what it used to be.” Yeah, the new fence around the White House isn’t going to protect Trump from that.