Go home Ron DeSantis you’re done

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If one were to float over the whole of the United States, one would see so many shapes. Mountains and prairies, country roads and floating islands, the Statue of Liberty, and the Grand Canyon. Is it any wonder why so many see what a breathtakingly beautiful place America is?

We have everything, every kind of terrain, every type of scenery to ensure one’s eyes never get tired of looking. But there is one place that might jump pout. one place where morning mists glow and rise to show resplendent palm trees and lazily lapping turquoise waves. This place is an oasis, an area known for retirees, vacationers, and anyone who wants to see their beach dreams come true for a bit.

That place is Florida. As you know, Florida is a happy place for many. Only right now, Florida isn’t too happy. Right now, in fact, many Floridians are feeling fury. Why? Because their governor has vanished, and Florida cannot get him back.

DeSantis, like many lost souls before him, is pursuing a date he cannot get — inauguration day. Yes, he’s fallen into THAT trap – the trap that encompasses so many politicians. And Florida has a message for their erstwhile governor — come home.

Reports are that many are calling on DeSantis to resign from the presidential race and hightail his ass back to the sunshine state and do his JOB — a job he appears to have all but forgotten.

Not only that — there is a mass exodus going on. More than 30 of Ron’s employees resigned, citing a toxic work environment. “Bridge burning.” That appears to be Ron’s favorite thing to do, say some of his former employees in exit surveys.

And many Floridians think he’s forgotten them — which he has. And even Republicans in Florida are reportedly saying to Ron — enough is enough. Come on, Ron — can’t you see the writing on the wall? Your constituents are angry. The voters don’t want you.

Your presidential dreams are over. Go home, Ron. Go home and TRY to show some dignity. I know dignity is not your friend. I think you should try anyway. It gives me great pleasure to see the resounding world-rejection of Pudding Fingers. At least he still has his job in Florida — a job he appears not to want and which his constituents are not thrilled about either.

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