We told you televised House impeachment hearings were just getting started

Last night Palmer Report pointed out that while there were no names left on the official House impeachment testimony schedule, there was every reason to believe that more witnesses were coming. The ongoing court battles alone make clear that House Democrats are targeting at least one high profile witness. Now confirmation is coming that there will indeed be additional hearings.
There will be at least one televised House impeachment hearing on Donald Trump’s Russia scandal, according to a new Politico report. Notably, the hearing will be at least partly based on the evidence that came to light at the Roger Stone trial, which confirmed that Stone was acting as a go-between for Donald Trump and Russian cutout WikiLeaks. Politico also says that Don McGahn could be the star witness, which is where things get interesting.
As Palmer Report has explained, House Democrats recently asked a judge to speed up her ruling on whether former White House Counsel Don McGahn is legally required to testify, and the judge responded by saying she’ll rule this Monday. This is important because John Bolton has said that he’s planning to base his own decision about testifying on the McGahn ruling. But if House Democrats are actually planning to have McGahn testify, it’ll mean they’re going to get into Trump’s obstruction of justice antics, including his illegal firing of James Comey and his illegal attempted firing of Robert Mueller.
That’s a lot of ground to cover for one hearing, so we’d expect all of this to end up being quite a show. It’s also worth keeping in mind that the House is potentially very close to getting its hands on Donald Trump’s tax returns. If that happens within a reasonable timeframe, we can expect televised hearings on Trump’s financial crimes as well. The bottom line is that the House can take as much time as it wants, while Trump and the Republican Senate twist in the wind.