George Santos makes an even bigger mess for himself

Note from Bill Palmer: Major media outlets are caving to Trump already. Publishing platforms are at risk. Palmer Report is leading the fight. Please consider donating $25.

“I am not a crook!” I’m sure we all remember the words of former President and Watergate star Richard Nixon. But now, all these years later, we have another “politician” saying words that are a bit similar in nature. “I am not a fraud.”

Those words came from (Con artist) George Santos, who has finally spoken out about the fact that he is a pathological liar who cannot seem to tell the truth about anything. So — did Santos take responsibility? Did he gallantly offer to resign? Or to at least make amends for his many lies, which could fill a football stadium? Hardly. Instead, he blamed the “Bourgeois” media for his problems.

Bourgeois. What a charming word. Did Santos actually come up with this label himself? I’d say no. With Santos, we are not sure of anything. Santos claims he “embellished”, not lied about certain things, which means he lied, not embellished. He then proceeded to blame “elitism” on the part of the media — the Bourgeois media — for his mistakes.

“I worked as a customer service agent for 6-7 months of my life…elitists like the New York Times like to call blue-collar jobs like that odd jobs because it just doesn’t fit their bourgeois lifestyle.”

Wow. So there is so much to unpack here. First, there’s the fact that Santos seems to be saying that Democrats hate customer service reps which is hysterical, false and a very Santos-type of thing to say.

Santos also said the elitists are to blame for his lying. He was forced to, he explained, because of the expectations of the media. This statement makes no sense, and you wouldn’t be alone in raising your eyebrows in disbelief.

In the meantime, Santos is apparently a bridge to far, even for some republicans. Jason Miller, a trump advisor and sycophant, actually spoke out and called on the GOP to “get rid of this loser.”

Wow. So Santos proved to be too much for Miller. Santos is obviously a disturbed human being. I think we can all agree on that. But we’re in a win-win situation. If he doesn’t get seated, great He can go off into the night and look for a new scam. If he does get seated, we tie his lies and deceptions straight to the Republicans, most of whom aren’t saying a word about Santos anyway.

Note from Bill Palmer: Major media outlets are caving to Trump already. Publishing platforms are at risk. Palmer Report is leading the fight. Please consider donating $25.