George Santos has berserk meltdown amid move to expel him

Note from Bill Palmer: Major media outlets are caving to Trump already. Publishing platforms are at risk. Palmer Report is leading the fight. Please consider donating $25.

George Santos got criminally indicted again yesterday, and now has twenty-three felony counts pending against him as he awaits trial while out on bail. You’d think the Republican House leadership would take action against him by now, except there is no Republican House leadership.

Now some House Republicans in moderate districts in the New York area are coming out publicly in favor of expelling George Santos. Why? They’re afraid that as Santos becomes more and more of a scandal, voters surrounding Santos’ Long Island district will end up taking it out on them in the next election.

There’s no indication yet that there are enough House Republican votes to actually expel Santos at this time. That isn’t stopping Santos from going off the deep end about the mere suggestion that he be expelled.

Santos tweeted this: “I look very much forward to seeing the anti American attempt by WEAK RINO’s to oust me without giving me my right to Due process. Remember if I’m in fact ousted fascism will officially be well and alive in the United States of America and these members will be the champions of it. I do want to remind my dear colleagues who all but one have deep long troubling careers in politics that I will have a lot of time on my hands to return the favor in the most expedient fashion mankind has ever seen.”

Wait, what kind of threat is that? Is he threatening to spend his time trying to sabotage their chances of reelection? Or is this an even uglier threat? If Santos keeps escalating his rhetoric, who knows, he could end up getting his bail revoked. At the least, this kind of talk certainly isn’t going to help him on the expulsion front.

George Santos can run his mouth all he wants. He’s going to prison. It’s only a question of whether House Republicans smartly expel him now, or stupidly let him stick around and allow his scandals to remain a thorn in their side until he’s hauled off to prison. But Santos is a symptom of a much larger problem in the Republican House: it takes a complete and total lack of leadership to allow a psycho like Santos to stick around even after he keeps getting indicted.

Note from Bill Palmer: Major media outlets are caving to Trump already. Publishing platforms are at risk. Palmer Report is leading the fight. Please consider donating $25.