George Santos goes off the deep end as expulsion proceedings begin

Now that House Republicans no longer need George Santos’ vote to help them elect a Speaker, the House Republicans in the surrounding districts have indeed gone through with their threat to file a motion to expel him. The new Speaker might have to let this motion go to the full floor just to keep the peace with the House Republicans who introduced it, and if so, there’s a good chance Santos will be expelled.
Santos is, predictably, acting bizarrely in the face of the news. Sometime after midnight he tweeted “Everything has an end in life” with no additional context. Then today, after the motion to expel was filed, Santos announced that he wanted to make a clarification in that “I have not cleared out my office.” Funny, we checked, and we couldn’t find anyone claiming that he did clean out his office.
In other words George Santos is set to potentially leave Congress every bit as bizarrely as he entered Congress. Even if House Republicans don’t end up expelling him at this time, he’ll be in prison fairly soon and will be of no use to them at all, so his expulsion is seemingly coming sooner or later. And if he is expelled at this time, we’ll be gearing up for the special election to replace him. The Democratic frontrunner in that House district is Anna Kaplan. Get to know her.
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Bill Palmer
Palmer Report