George Santos caught lying about his own office

Dear Palmer Report readers: I don't like asking, but we need to raise $4,766 to continue our fight against Trump. Click here to donate what you can. Sincerely, Bill Palmer

The day was Thursday. And professional liar George Santos seemed in good spirits that day. And why shouldn’t he be? After all, the scandal was fading. People were beginning to accept him in Congress. One New York politician even stopped by to warmly greet Santos and discuss the issues of New York with him. Just kidding.

Forgive me, readers, for starting this article off with a lie. But it is not MY lie. It’s George Santos who lied. It all started with a joyous posting on social media from the man himself: “I want to personally thank @JoshLafazan for stopping by my Douglaston office today,” a perky Santos wrote on Twitter.

“It was great to sit down & discuss the concerns that were addressed in the letter he brought in. #NY03.” Sigh. Yes, this is what Santos wrote. There is a problem, though. Can you guess what it is? Say it with me now. It’s two words: HE LIED!

Of course, he did. This is George Santos. What other possible purpose does he serve except to remind us Pinocchio had nothing on Santos? How do we know Santos lied? Because Josh Lafazan actually responded to him — and told him to stop lying:

“Let me be very clear. I did not stop by your office. I hosted a protest outside your office calling on you to resign and then hand-delivered you a letter to stop wasting police resources. Can’t say I’m surprised you choose to distort the truth here — you’re very good at it.”

This is the legacy Santos will leave – a legacy of lies. And yet there is something sinister in Santos. He lies so often, and with such little apparent guilt, it is a bit chilling. I know the concerns of many having this waste of space in Congress.

If there is any good that comes from this, it is that we can highlight how Santos, among other crazies, is now the face of the republican party. It must be humiliating for the GOP to have to carry this guy’s weight — or it would be if the GOP had the ability to be shamed, which they don’t seem to.

But the American people don’t like folks like Santos, and the more he keeps up his crazy antics, the more he will succeed in dragging Republicans down with him.

Dear Palmer Report readers: I don't like asking, but we need to raise $4,766 to continue our fight against Trump. Click here to donate what you can. Sincerely, Bill Palmer