George Santos’ bail hearing today will go one of three ways – and it could be a nightmare for House Republicans
There are three possible outcomes at George Santos’ bail hearing today. One of them would be fantastic for us, and the other two would at least be revealing.
The judge gave the people who paid Santos’ bail the option of either having their names announced today, or revoking the bail money in order to remain anonymous.
Scenario one is that their names get announced, and we’ll at least know who paid the bail. Though the names may not be as recognizable as some of you have fantasized about.
Scenario two is that they withdraw the bail money, and Santos announces that he’s found new people to pay his bail who don’t mind having their names public. We’d at least get to find out their names.
Scenario three is that the people who paid Santos’ bail have withdrawn it, Santos hasn’t been able to find anyone new to pay it, and he’s tossed in jail while awaiting trial. This may be the least likely outcome of the three, but it’s certainly realistic.
We’ll see which scenario ends up happening today. But keep in mind that George Santos is already under severe travel restrictions while awaiting trial. If his benefactors have indeed decided to pull his bail money and he hasn’t found anyone else to cover it, he’ll get locked up. That could prompt House Republicans to reluctantly decide to expel him and take their chances with a special election. Stay tuned today.
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Bill Palmer is the publisher of the political news outlet Palmer Report