George Conway drops the hammer after a senile Donald Trump confuses him for a state capital

How deep into senility is Donald Trump at this point? He thinks Nikki Haley and Nancy Pelosi are the same person. And he appears to believe that political pundit George Conway is the capital of New Hampshire. That makes zero sense, but Trump is that far gone. Trump really thinks George Conway and Concord New Hampshire are the same thing.
George Conway decided to have some fun with the debacle, pointing out that he’s living rent free in Trump’s head:
I’m not complaining. Not having to pay rent is a terrific deal. But I will say it’s kind of lonely and empty in here. Lots of strange, eerie, echoing noises. And I must say, a terrible smell.
— George Conway (@gtconway3d) January 20, 2024
Conway also had fun pointing out that Concord New Hampshire is located in Carroll County. This comes even as Trump is busy losing in court to E. Jean Carroll.