Gavin Newsom comes out swinging

California Governor Gavin Newsom is making waves. And with his latest action, he is guaranteed to have the Supreme Court steaming. Newsom has signed legislation allowing gun violence victims to be able to sue firearm manufacturers.
This legislation — now law in the great state of California — is called the Firearm Industry Responsibility Act. “Nearly every industry is held to account when their products cause harm or injury,” Newsom said in a video message. “All except one: the gun industry.”
How right he is. And now great that this legislation is now law. Gun manufacturers have long been unaccountable, and hopefully, now — at least in California — they will be.
Of course, there is one more obstacle — the extreme Court. For this legislation will be challenged. We know that. And there is a good chance it will make its way to the extreme Court. And the extreme Court is likely weeping bitter tears at the thought of anyone from their beloved gun industry being held to account.
And this is yet another reason to vote blue. The extreme Court is an existential threat. We have to change the makeup of the Court.
And whether that is by expanding the Court, imposing term limits, or another way — all votes matter, and for us to implement these changes, we have to win, baby, win — and keep both the House and the Senate.
In the meantime — thank you, Governor Newsom. This legislation was so needed, especially after all the recent gun violence in California. Here’s hoping other Governors move forward with the same type of legislation.
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Much thanks,
Bill Palmer
Palmer Report