Game. Set. Match.

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The term Match Point literally means “Win or lose.” Match point is frequently referred to in tennis matches. (It’s also the name of one the best Woody Allen film ever, but that’s another story.)

“Match point is the situation when the player, who is in the lead, can win the whole match if they win the next point.” The next point. The final point. That point for us is Georgia. The Georgia special election is coming up. It can be won by us. We must win the whole match and reelect Senator Warnock.

And we can if we do exactly as we did during the midterms. Phone bank. If you live in Georgia, knock on doors. Let people know how much of a difference this seat will make.

We start the game with several advantages. Warnock was already ahead of Walker. Warnock is the far better candidate. And we have extraordinarily determined activists.

We need to be relentless. We need to be a machine, working together as one unit to win the whole thing — to achieve the match point. Now some people might not be able to phone bank or door knock. That doesn’t mean you cannot help in other ways.

There are postcards to be sent. There is the fact that money makes a difference. Donate if you can and if you can’t, please, if you’re on Twitter, tweet the ActBlue link to your followers. Tell them how important this seat is and encourage them to donate.

And, of course, if you live in Georgia — vote!

And remember, Georgians driving people to the polls is essential. There are always people who want to vote but do not have lifts. I found that out myself in my own phone banking efforts. So that is yet another thing you can do.

We are going to beat them again, and we are going to get Senator Warnock reflected. We will do it because we have the skills, the guts, the determination, and the passion. Warnock won the last Georgia special election, and he can do it again. In the following weeks, please remember our match point.

One more point — one more Senator, and we’ve got 51. Please keep that in mind as a constant mantra. We do all this, and it will be an astonishing achievement getting us to our match point — a 51 Senate majority.

Dear Palmer Report readers: we're in this together. We have operating expenses from website hosting to research, and we need to become a reader supported site. You can help Palmer Report succeed by donating just $5!