Turns out Donald Trump’s latest G7 summit stunt is all about Vladimir Putin

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This week Donald Trump announced that he wanted to hold the G7 summit in person, in the United States, in June, during the midst of a pandemic. To the surprise of no one, the idea was quickly shot down, with German Chancellor Angela Merkel announcing that she wasn’t interested in taking the risk of attending.

Of course Trump’s idea was never going to work, and maybe that was the point. Now that the idea of an in-person G7 Summit in June has been shot down, he’s announced he wants to hold the meeting closer to September instead. According to NBC News, he also announced that he wants to invite a few additional countries that aren’t G7 members. One of them just happens to be – you guessed it – Russia.

This comes after Trump publicly floated the idea last year of readmitting Russia to the G7, after it got kicked out for invading Ukraine. It’s not difficult to figure out what Trump is up to here. He and his handlers insisted on an in-person G7 Summit in June, which they knew the other G7 members would reject due to the pandemic. This gave him an excuse to postpone the G7 Summit closer to election day, and invite Vladimir Putin, so that he can meet with Putin for last minute instructions for the home stretch of the election.

Most of Donald Trump’s schemes of this type end up falling apart before they can come to fruition, and this could end up being the case here as well. The other G7 members have no intention of letting Russia back into the group, so they’ll push back loudly against the notion of Putin being invited. But Trump could use their rejection as an excuse to have Putin visit the White House on his own, apart from the G7, during the same September timeframe.

Donald Trump is losing this election badly right now, and he seems to know it, and he has no plan for turning things around. So he’s predictably running to his puppet master Putin one last time, hoping for a last minute bailout. But Trump is so screwed at this point, even Putin may not be able to save him.

Dear Palmer report readers: Trump and his unelected henchmen are actively to destroy our democracy and our way of life. We must fight back as loudly and aggressively as possible. Palmer Report is expanding. We're bulking up our staff and leaving no stone unturned on the editorial front and activism front. I'm asking you to help me build Palmer Report into what it needs to be. Please click here to donate what you can to the fight. Our future depends on it.