Donald Trump has unhinged new meltdown about John McCain’s funeral

Donald Trump has attacked the late John McCain multiple times over the past few days, each time in increasingly offensive fashion, but today took the cake. Trump was giving a speech in Ohio today when he falsely tried to take credit for McCain’s funeral, and then attacked McCain for what happened after the funeral. No, really, it was that deranged.
Donald Trump said this today of John McCain: “I gave him the kind of funeral that he wanted, which as president I had to approve.” Then he added, “I didn’t get a thank you.” Wait, what in the name of all that is holy? For starters, Trump had nothing to do with McCain’s funeral, which he was in fact banned from attending. Second of all, Trump appears to be attacking McCain for not having come back from the dead to thank him.
If there’s an upside to this disgusting debacle, it’s that even the Republican cowards in the Senate are finally feeling compelled to begin criticizing Donald Trump for his attacks on John McCain. GOP Senator Johnny Isakson of Georgia said today that Trump’s words were “deplorable.” It’s not clear if Isakson realized the irony in using Hillary Clinton’s word to describe Trump, after the GOP ripped Clinton so thoroughly for having referred to Trump’s base as “deplorables.”
We’ll see where this is headed. But if Donald Trump thinks that repeatedly and grotesquely attacking John McCain is somehow going to save his dying presidency, suffice it to say that he’s miscalculating here. Republican Senators have spent the past three years failing to properly defend McCain against Trump’s attacks. But now that Trump is nearing his downfall anyway, if the GOP Senators are looking for an excuse to finish him off, his attacks on McCain are nothing short of the perfect excuse.