Fulton County is rounding them up

Dear Palmer Report readers: I don't like asking, but we need to raise $4,766 to continue our fight against Trump. Click here to donate what you can. Sincerely, Bill Palmer

Donald Trump and his co-defendants have until noon on August 25 to surrender. Two have already done so: John Eastman and Scott Hall. Judge Scott McAfee set Eastman’s bond at $100,000 and Hall’s at $10,000. ABC News reported that Eastman spoke with reporters after making bond, who asked whether Eastman still believes the stolen 2020 election fantasy. His response? “Absolutely, no question.” Well, what did they expect him to say? These charges are based on the defendants’ lies about the election being stolen, and their only defense is that they honestly believed it had been. Come on. These people didn’t believe this foolishness. They just wanted to keep Donald Trump in power, regardless of what it took to make that happen. None of them ever expected to be called on it, let alone charged with crimes. Eastman should know better.

Back in January, ABC News reported that the State Bar of California filed disciplinary charges against him for these same lies. The State Bar called Eastman’s activities “aiding an attack on democracy.” They want him disbarred; hopefully, they will achieve their goal. The legal field does not need one more snake to bring down the reputation of the entire bar. While the disciplinary proceedings aren’t criminal, they directly relate to the criminal charges now pending.

Judge Scott McAfee is trying to run an orderly court before this case even begins. He has been setting bond for each of the defendants, with Donald Trump winning the highest bond–$200,000. For once, Trump can truthfully brag that he has something that is bigger than anyone else’s. In addition to setting bonds, Judge McAfee included in Donald Trump’s bond that he may not intimidate co-defendants, witnesses, or victims but he took it one step further by using the words “including social media.” Now that this has been put out there, if Trump starts attacking people as he done in the past, he may get a free ride to the bedbug ridden Fulton County jail. Always seeking the appearance of having first dibs at news regarding himself, Trump announced that he is surrendering Thursday. The real reason for Trump’s action is his hope that his followers will come and start trouble, but they have recently appeared more reluctant.

CNN muses that Trump is trying to overshadow the upcoming Republican debate with his news. He is seriously sick. He acts like this is some type of game, but as CNN pointed out, the charges in Georgia are far from a game. He will be fingerprinted and have his mugshot taken. He also must partly cover his bond in cash, and his trial will be overseen by a no-nonsense judge who is not putting up with any of Trump’s behaviors.

Welcome to Georgia, Mr. former “president.” He will be treated like any other criminal defendant in the state. This may shake some sense into him, but honestly, that is doubtful. Trump is used to having everything his way and has always behaved like a spoiled brat. Instead, he is poised to find out what it feels like to have his favorite “brankey” taken away.

Dear Palmer Report readers: I don't like asking, but we need to raise $4,766 to continue our fight against Trump. Click here to donate what you can. Sincerely, Bill Palmer