Yet another friend of Roger Stone sells him out ahead of his arrest
Based on the grand jury proceedings that keep surfacing of late, it’s become clear that Roger Stone will soon be indicted and arrested. If you don’t believe us, just ask Roger Stone; he acknowledged on television over the weekend that he thinks it’s coming. Countless Stone associates and underlings have been testifying against him for the grand jury. Now one of Stone’s friends, or should we say former friends, is selling him out amid the feeding frenzy.
Based on various major media reports, it’s been easy to identify at least some of the people who have been called to testify against Roger Stone: his former protege Sam Nunberg. His associate Ted Malloch. His social media guy. His driver. It’s been an open question as to whether or not another of Stone’s friends, Randy Credico has testified. Now we have that answer amid an explosive new revelation involving Stone and Credico.
Roger Stone long ago testified to the Trump-controlled House Intel Committee that his go-between with WikiLeaks was radio host Randy Credico. Congress then tried to subpoena Credico, who pleaded the Fifth. It was never clear if Credico was refusing to testify because he didn’t want to get involved at all, or if he was just leery of testifying for a committee that was clearly trying to falsely exonerate all of Trump’s people, including Stone.
Now the Wall Street Journal has published emails between Stone and Credico which reveal that Credico did indeed act as Stone’s go-between with WikiLeaks. These emails further reveal that Stone was specifically seeking the Hillary Clinton related emails that he believed were stolen by Russian hackers. This incriminates Stone on everything from espionage, to attempting to receive stolen goods, to perjury, to conspiracy against the United States, to quite possibly treason. But there’s another twist.
Randy Credico is telling the Wall Street Journal that, while he hasn’t yet been contacted by Robert Mueller, he’s willing to fully cooperate. So it sounds like Credico had been hoping his phone would never ring, but now that he knows it’s going to, he’s tripping over himself to hurry up and sell out Roger Stone in order to get himself off the hook.
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Bill Palmer is the publisher of the political news outlet Palmer Report