Fox News is burning

Climate Change is definitely on the Democratic agenda. However, it does NOT seem to be on the agenda for Republicans.
Many in the GOP do not even seem to believe in it. Not surprising. The republican party doesn’t believe in much except perhaps for insurrections, badgering Trans people, and taking away women’s rights.
What a political party!
But when it comes to climate change, there has been remarkably little movement from the GOP side.
And now perhaps we have a reason why. This reason came by the way of Fox non-news, which isn’t surprising; Stupid, after all, tends to stick together.
It was a gathering of pundits on the show Fox and Friends Sunday. Among the pundits was Rachel Campos-Duffy. And she gave us the answer we’d all been watching for. WHY do the GOP do nothing about climate change?
It is, according to Duffy, because Republicans do not see Earth as worth saving since the ultimate destination is ……Heaven.
I am not joking.
Heaven is for real, cries out Duffy.
And since HEAVEN — not Earth is the final destination — what bother?
“For them,” Duffy explained angelically, “Where we live right now, this place, Earth is it,” she said, the “them” being Democrats.
“They think they can perfect this earth.”
“Those of us who have faith DON’T believe that,” she went on insanely.
“We believe how we act here determines where we go after. And so we got to behave.”
If these words make literally no sense to you, readers, congratulations. That just means you’re sane and rational.
So let me get this straight. When the Earth becomes a ball of fire, Duffy won’t care because she and and her buddies are bound for Heaven, anyway?
Has Duffy thought about the fact that if there is a God, he created Earth? And that he might not be too happy seeing his beloved work of art turn into a firebomb?
At any rate, we now, I suppose, have all the answers we need. Some in the GOP are perfectly fine seeing the world light up and go out with a bang — because Heaven’s just around the corner, and Earth is but a little irritation to be dealt with in silent passivity.