Fox News gets spanked by its own expert

As our nation mulls over the very real possibility of war between Russia and Ukraine, Russian television is doing its very best to blame President Biden for all of this.
I’m not speaking of Russian itself. I’m speaking of Russian television — otherwise known as Fox non-news.
Appearing delighted at the latest turn of events, Fox is throwing everything by the kitchen sink at its viewers, hoping desperately that something sticks. Take this little morsel. It happened on “The Five,” yet another ghastly propaganda-filled Fox show.
Greg Gutfeld dishonestly called the situation “manufactured.” I call his hair the same. The Five then attempted to blame Hillary Clinton’s emails as the real culprit for the problems.
But Jennifer Griffin, the National Security Correspondent, was aghast.
Griffin destroyed the talking points of The Five, telling them how very serious this situation is and saying this is all “deadly serious.”
Then she chastised The Five for “wagging the dog”, proving that Fox actually has at least one sane person in its employment. Clearly, the hosts of The Five didn’t want to hear that. After all, what’s a little thing like what compared to — gulp — Hillary’s emails.