Former GOP Congressman rips Donald Trump’s “Obamagate” nonsense to shreds

Donald Trump has failed on every level, and his reelection prospects are circling the drain. While anything can happen, Trump is now at that stage where he’s got not choice but to try to shake things up by any desperate means possible. To that end, he’s now pushing an imaginary “Obamagate” scandal that even he doesn’t understand.
Former Republican Congressman Joe Walsh is calling out his former GOP colleagues, and putting “Obamagate” in the trash bin where it belongs:
Obamagate is just a distraction. My former Republican colleagues don’t want you thinking about the 83,000 dead and the 33 million unemployed.
So from now on, every time they say “Obamagate,” just say “Trump lied, and Americans died.”
— Joe Walsh (@WalshFreedom) May 13, 2020
Congressman Walsh, despite being a far-right conservative, says he’s voting for Joe Biden in November in order to stop Donald Trump.