Floundering Donald Trump just tanked another of his rallies, Stephen Miller takes his place and gets booed

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It’s happened again today. Donald Trump showed up an astounding three hours late last time for his rally, by which time many of his own supporters had given up and gone home. It was blamed on a Joe Rogan interview, but more realistically it felt like Trump just couldn’t make himself show up and face a crowd that was so much smaller than the one Kamala Harris drew on the same night.

Now Trump is out of excuses as he’s once again late to his own rally today, this time by more than an hour and a half. Is he also going to blame this one on Joe Rogan? In reality Trump is tanking his own rallies by showing up so late to them. People are heading home before he gets there. He ends up speaking to a tired crowd lacking in energy, which defies the entire point of trying to fire up your base.

Now NPR is reporting that Trump aide Stephen Miller has taken the stage in the time slot that Trump himself was supposed to take the stage, and the audience ended up booing Miller for not being Trump. That’s right, Trump is tanking this so badly that his own MAGA base is booing one of its own architects.

Is Trump just so physically and cognitively broken that he can’t manage to show up on time anymore? Or is Trump locking himself in the bathroom for hours and crying to himself about how poorly this is all going for him? Something very strange is going on here.

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