Flirting with disaster

Note from Bill Palmer: Palmer Report knows how to fight and win. We're going to win this election. But we need your help. We have operating expenses from website hosting to research. If each of you can donate either $5, $25, or $47, it'll make a huge difference. Help Palmer report keep fighting for you:
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Thank you so much! - Bill Palmer

Do you know why we’re going to win in November? We have the issues on our side. One issue that future VP Tim Walz raises A LOT is book banning. Of course, we all know how Republicans want to take everything from people. The book bans are still going on, as Walz reminded us, speaking of the “weirdos who want to ban Animal Farm.”

Republicans don’t have much pride, but they DO have much prejudice. They also hate innovative and critical thinkers. Beating them in November is essential so they can be gone with the wind. When we beat them, it will be a victory for ALL of us — for the LGBTQ community, for men, for women — little women, tall women, black women, brown women, white women, all those women that Republicans plot and scheme against.

“Utah bans 13 books in public schools statewide.” This headline comes from one day ago. “Republicans officially enact their most extreme book ban.” This is from the New Republic, from three days ago. I haven’t written about these bans in a while, but, my friends, they’re always on my mind.

In our brave new world, WE must be courageous and assertive when telling people about these bans. We need to do this NOW more than ever. Right now, the GOP is playing a VERY dangerous game. They are flirting with disaster. They want to enact policies they know the American people would HATE, such as these bans, and they aren’t talking about them in hopes YOU will forget all about them. They do this in cold blood, with no sense of remorse or right and wrong.

Only you won’t forget, and neither will I. We are not Alice living in some fantasy wonderland. We deal in reality and know what the GOP has planned with Project 2025. It isn’t just books. If the GOP were to succeed, for example, they would ban Mifepristone. The postman would not ring twice or even once. They wouldn’t ring at all because Mifepristone would be invisible, banned, and non-existent.

The GOP wants hate — they want war — we want peace. We, the American people, do not want paradise to be lost. We want books to be here forever. We don’t wish women’s healthcare to be lost ever. We do not want to see the bell toll on freedom and human happiness.

So we must plant trees of political knowledge that will grow as more people learn about them.These trees will grow in Brooklyn, in Milwaukee, in Georgia, in Arizona, in Michigan and Wonderful Pennsylvania.

You may have noticed this article is written in book titles. Many are classics. I do this on purpose. I do this as a love letter to knowledge, literature, the art of free-thinking, teachers who teach, children who learn, and words — golden words that are our own personal Edens, east, west and all points in between to caress, take in, and love. We must never let the GOP take this from us.

Note from Bill Palmer: Palmer Report knows how to fight and win. We're going to win this election. But we need your help. We have operating expenses from website hosting to research. If each of you can donate either $5, $25, or $47, it'll make a huge difference. Help Palmer report keep fighting for you:
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Thank you so much! - Bill Palmer