The real reason Donald Trump is suddenly fleeing New York

This evening the news broke that Donald Trump has filed to change his state of residence from New York to Florida. Trump then confirmed the move by posting a vicious rant about how much he now hates New York, and how he has no choice but to leave. However, this is just propaganda. He’s changing his residency for a fairly straightforward reason.
Plenty of people have pointed out that Florida has no state income tax, which means that Donald Trump can save a fair amount of money just by making this move on paper. But if it were as simple as this, Trump would have done this paperwork shuffle two and a half years ago, when he first stopped living in Trump Tower. There has to be more to it, and that brings us to another key move that Trump made just days ago.
Late last week the news surfaced that Donald Trump is suddenly looking to sell off the lease for his Washington DC hotel. This is remarkable considering it’s one of Trump’s very few profitable properties. In fact it’s the property where Trump runs most of his emoluments clause scams. If you’re running a failing real estate empire, the only reason to sell off your most profitable property is if you’re so broke you desperately need the short term cash, even though you know you’re throwing away your best source of future income in the process.
So now we have Donald Trump suddenly selling off his most profitable hotel for short term cash, and suddenly changing his residency in a move that’s also aimed at saving money. It’s a clear signal that not only is Trump broke, he expects his finances to take a much worse turn soon. There’s already a grand jury in the process of indicting Trump on state charges. Is Trump now worried that he’s going to face asset forfeitures? Something big is up here. You also have to wonder if this move means that Trump is about to sell off Trump Tower.