First Lady Dr. Jill Biden just nailed it

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t’s so wonderful to have a REAL human being as President — rather than a vile, wicked, loud-mouthed, orange, quivering batch of human jello. Trump is gone. Were there ever three words so glorious? And let’s not forget about the golden light who stands beside him — the First Lady. Unlike the FORMER First lady, Dr. Jill Biden does not believe in cussing out Christmas. She believes in celebrating it.

Rather than vapidly standing there and not doing much of anything, First Lady Jill is doing what she does best — spreading empathy. See, empathy took an extended vacation while Lord of the Lies was in office. But since his leaving, the tranquil harmony of dolphins has been restored once again, and empathy sparkles.

This week, Jill Biden spoke with empathy and caring to the spouses of many of this country’s Governors. Among the issues discussed include supporting cancer research which is a passion of both the Bidens, no doubt made more poignant since they lost a son to it.

And the First Lady made it clear she wants to stay in close touch with said spouses — connecting with them and urging that they all remain in contact.

“Why can’t we keep in contact and talk to one another and see where we can find common ground and bring people together?” the First Lady asked. What this shows us is that the White House is stable. It is now filled with effervescent laughter, kindness, wisdom, and empathy. Thank you, Jill Biden.

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