Chuck Todd fires back after Donald Trump curses him out

Donald Trump gave a speech today at a rally in Pennsylvania which might go down as his most deranged to date. That’s a rather high bar (or should we say low bar) to clear, but if you watched the speech on television, you know what we’re getting at. Trump ranted incoherently throughout the rally, and at one point randomly decided to curse out Meet The Press host Chuck Todd of all people.
Trump invoked his usual “sleepy eyed” nickname for Chuck Todd, which is roughly as juvenile as any of the other derogatory nicknames Trump has come up with for people in politics he doesn’t like. But then Trump reminded us that he’s not merely the same old infantile thug who likes to come up with inappropriate nicknames; he is now in fact much further gone than that. In the next breath, Trump called Todd a “sleeping son of a bitch.”
No one involved seems to have any idea what that’s even supposed to mean, but that’s pretty much the case with everything Trump has said in recent weeks. The rebukes came in swiftly from all sides. Former NBC Nightly News anchor Tom Brokaw quoted Trump’s remark on Twitter, sarcastically admonishing him with: “Really classy. Explain that to your children.” But it was Todd himself who got the last word.
Without directly acknowledging Donald Trump’s profane insults, Chuck Todd tweeted this in response: “Don’t miss Meet The Press tomorrow! I know folks may be tired in the morning due to springing forward, so set those clocks and DVRs now before your eyes get too sleepy.” We’re not always fans of Todd, but we’re firmly awarding this round to him.