Fire rages outside White House as Donald Trump runs and hides

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Tonight we all learned that Donald Trump has indeed been hiding in an underground bunker beneath the White House at certain points during this weekend, due to the protesters across the street in Lafayette Park. It’s not yet clear if he’s back in the underground bunker tonight, but the protests outside the White House are getting more fierce by the minute.

As can be seen on the live broadcasts on CNN and MSNBC, a major structure in Lafayette Park is now on fire, just outside the White House. This comes even as police have begun firing flash bangs to try to disperse the crowd of protesters. Meanwhile Donald Trump has nothing to say to the nation tonight, having merely tweeted “FAKE NEWS!” two hours ago before going silent. Is he in the basement? Is he hiding under his bed? Is he passed out? Either way, he’s hiding from the public, and hiding from his duties. This is pathetic.

Meanwhile Joe Biden went out and met with protesters today, and they embraced him eagerly. The contrast couldn’t be more clear tonight.

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