Finding out the hard way

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If the eternal amoral-tinged nightfall that is Donald Trump’s inner-core, could speak freely, it might say something such as the following: “More, more, gimme MORE.” He has not said THAT yet. But he did say this: “He who saves his country does not violate any laws.”

Napoleon wanna-be Donald Trump declared this, sending the Internet into a tizzy, and shockwaves reverberating all over social media sites. People seem to be more furious than usual at Trump over these particular comments – and some people are now screaming for Trump to leave the country and go into exile.

These comments don’t surprise me, and they shouldn’t surprise you. Trump wants to ravish lands. He wants to own Greenland. He wants to own Canada. He wants to own Gaza. He wants to own Ukraine. It is a fever-soaked dream for him. This is one so many of us here at the Palmer Report have warned about even before he won the election when we said that his mad and festering fantasies are over the top in nature, and would get worse and worse because of his malignant narcissism.

And I am here with a warning. It’s going to get worse before it gets better. One does not need to be a psychologist to understand that. It would not surprise me. If, in the next few months, Trump daydreamed out loud about other countries he’d like to own.

Some people fantasize about having a house in the suburbs with a couple of kids. Some people fantasize about traveling to exciting countries and learning about the culture and how different people live. Some people fantasize about being artists, singers, about being doctors or lawyers, or IT specialists.

Everyone fantasizes about something, but with Donald Trump, there’s only one thing he fantasizes about. That is his never-ending dream of being a dictator, the greatest dictator, Genghis Khan, on steroids! Julius Caesar and Alexander the Great! Nero and Octavian of Rome! And, of course, Putin.

He wants to be them, to merge with them, to melt into their psyches and claim every territory he possibly can, every town, every state, every country. He will claim nothing! He is finding THAT out the hard way. The reality is really very simple. Here, we have an orange-tipped crouton of a human being. He had a terrible childhood. He was shipped to boarding school. He experienced little love in his life.

He was a bully, and then he grew into a ruthless man who didn’t pay his contractors, who stiffed people right and left, who reportedly cheated on his wives, who made fake universities and fake reality shows. Then, that dark, malevolent person somehow became President of the United States twice with the lowest mandate in the history of presidencies. Donald Trump is not a dictator. He is an orange, senile, decrepit, aging, pathetic insincere whiny asshole.

Dear Palmer Report readers, we need $1841 to keep our fight going against Trump. Please click here to donate whatever you can