Finally, consequences for Donald Trump and his henchmen

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Forbes has removed Donald Trump from its list of the four hundred wealthiest people in America, in the latest reminder that his financial house of cards is crumbling now that he’s no longer able to use the presidency to steal from the federal government. Of course, given his massive thinly veiled debts, he never should have been on the list to begin with. One can’t help but wonder what will happen to his net worth once New York inevitably indicts him for financial crimes and unravels the entire thing.

In other “consequences” news, Steve Bannon and a number of other Trump henchmen have until tomorrow to respond to a subpoena to testify to the January 6th Committee, before they’re referred to the Department of Justice for criminal prosecution for failure to appear. Justice and karma are coming slowly, but they’re coming.

In yet more “This guy is going down too slowly but he’s nonetheless going down” news, things are turning even uglier for Matt Gaetz, with prosecutors having signed off on yet another request by Joel Greenberg to delay his own sentencing. It appears Greenberg has given up so much on Gaetz and others, he expects to end up getting significant leniency on his sentence once they’re all busted. More importantly, the prosecutors see it that way as well.

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