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It is not my wish to punish people in red states. This isn’t their fault. There are too many goods, kind Democrats who live in these states. And right now, they feel just as miserable as those in blue and purple states.

But I do believe in protests. And we should be encouraging corporations, bands, etc. — not to do business in some of these states, particularly those that outright ban abortion entirely. Protests work. Money is something everybody understands.

It would be great if companies, musicians, and vacationers — made it clear with their purse strings that until states like Idaho, Kentucky, Missouri, and Texas stop gutting women’s rights, they will no longer get our business.

This can be done. It was done with North Carolina during their absurd “bathroom law.” So it most definitely can be done here. We should also push back against the ones who pontificate. These are the ones who are trying to say this was the right decision. For example, Megyn Kelly right now on Twitter is frantically trying to convince women this was “the right decision legally.”

Kelly even went as far as to tell women we were all lied to by the “Roe & Casey justices.” People like Kelly are dangerous because they reach a lot of women and they are bottom feeders. So please push back on this false narrative.

If we focus on getting out the vote — hopefully, we can soon change things. Remember, there is an election in mere months. We have much to do in these upcoming months. But if we win, we can codify Roe. And that is what all of us must concentrate on.

Dear Palmer Report readers: we're in this together. We have operating expenses from website hosting to research, and we need to become a reader supported site. You can help Palmer Report succeed by donating just $5!