Donald Trump just fenced himself in

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Donald Trump’s faux-strongman display last night was abusive and disturbing. But it was nothing more than an attempt at scaring us into believing that he has greater political muscle than he does. In reality he’s still the same scared feckless clown who spent the weekend hiding in the White House basement with the lights turned off.

As a reminder that Donald Trump is the one who’s truly scared in all this, he’s fenced himself in โ€“ literally. Overnight, he had a tall fence erected around the White House, as photographed by Politico. This is absurd. The White House is already a fortress, yet now he’s hiding behind a fence of all things.

Of course when you consider that Donald Trump has built a few miles of fence along the Mexican border, and he’s calling it a wall, perhaps he’s convinced that this new fence around the White House is also a wall. This guy just keeps finding new ways to make himself look weak.

LET'S FINISH THIS! We need just $1906 to reach our goal and continue our fight against Trump. Click here to donate what you can.