Feeble Trump looks like a corpse in latest photos

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It’s not just that Donald Trump keeps getting more and more confused and befuddled in his public appearances, or that he keeps sleeping through his criminal trial. It’s that he looks like absolute hell. Each time he appears in public, he looks more and more like someone who died two weeks ago and no one has broken the news to him yet.

Trump looked worse than ever today in courthouse photos, as if the life were being sucked out of him in real time. Then Trump’s own people posted a video of him, and it looked like this:

Being on criminal trial and facing likely felony conviction would be enough to put strain on anyone. But Donald Trump came into this trial already looking and behaving like he was nearly deceased. And now he’s coming out of his trial looking like, frankly, a walking corpse.

What happens to Trump’s declining health when he faces the stress of his upcoming felony conviction? What happens when he tries to hit the campaign trail? This is a guy who thinks that running for office is the only way to keep himself out of prison, and he’s too far gone cognitively to understand just how fragile his physical health is. In the coming days and weeks we should watch for possible signs that Trump simply isn’t going to make it.

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