Feeble Donald Trump struggles to focus on teleprompter after getting distracted during disastrous rally speech

Dear Palmer report readers: Trump and his unelected henchmen are actively to destroy our democracy and our way of life. We must fight back as loudly and aggressively as possible. Palmer Report is expanding. We're bulking up our staff and leaving no stone unturned on the editorial front and activism front. I'm asking you to help me build Palmer Report into what it needs to be. Please click here to donate what you can to the fight. Our future depends on it.

Donald Trump’s brain is so fried, he recently needed a notepad in order to remember what he was supposed to say to reporters outside the courtroom during his criminal trial. He recently needed a notecard in order to read aloud the names of his kids during a speech. There’s just nothing left of him.

It’s not just that Trump can’t remember what he’s supposed to be saying and needs to have it spoon fed to him. It’s that even when Trump is being fed words, such as with a teleprompter during a rally speech, he still easily becomes too distracted to remember what he’s supposed to be focusing on:

This came after Trump forgot what was going on earlier in his speech and started asking no one in particular if he was a “hot guy.” His dementia symptoms are only going to get worse as time goes on.

Dear Palmer report readers: Trump and his unelected henchmen are actively to destroy our democracy and our way of life. We must fight back as loudly and aggressively as possible. Palmer Report is expanding. We're bulking up our staff and leaving no stone unturned on the editorial front and activism front. I'm asking you to help me build Palmer Report into what it needs to be. Please click here to donate what you can to the fight. Our future depends on it.