Donald Trump adviser fears “he’s going to kill himself” by spending too much time on campaign trail

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Even though Donald Trump had a freshly bandaged hand suggesting an IV drug injection to help him get through it, he was still only able to speak for eighteen minutes from the White House balcony yesterday before calling it a day. He appears to be in terrible shape, due to his ongoing coronavirus infection and his very poor underlying health.

Despite this, Trump is now demanding that his campaign send him out on the road every remaining day of the election cycle. Not only would this be shockingly irresponsible from a contagiousness standpoint, it would also put Trump’s sinking health at dire risk.

In fact Axios is quoting one unnamed Trump adviser who fears “he’s going to kill himself” by overdoing it on the campaign trail. The thing is, Trump may not have much to lose. If he loses the election he’s going to prison for the rest of his life anyway.

Meanwhile the nation continues to fall apart as this deranged criminal Donald Trump plays out his no-win endgame. Vote for Joe Biden.

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