Donald Trump’s FCC Chairman Ajit Pai cuts and runs in wake of Trump’s loss

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One of the worst people in the Trump regime has been FCC Chair Ajit Pai, whose actions have ranged from sabotaging net neutrality, to changing regulations around to help pro-Trump propaganda outlets like Sinclair.

We were set to be stuck with Ajit Pai for awhile after Trump’s exit, because Pai’s term doesn’t expire until the summer of 2021. But now Pai has announced that he’s cutting and running; he’ll be leaving office the same day as Trump, January, 20th. No specific reason has been given, but in general these kinds of corrupt hyper-partisan appointees don’t tend to stick around once their corrupt boss is gone, because they know they’ll no longer be able to get away with their corrupt agendas as easily.

This will now prevent the Republicans from being able to hold an FCC majority during the President Biden era, which is a good thing. Of course whether Biden is able to fill the FCC vacancies with solid people will largely depend upon whether we win the Georgia runoffs and take control of the Senate. You can donate to Democratic candidates Ossoff and Warnock here.

We need $2866 to keep the fight going against Trump. Click here to donate what you can.