Fat chance

Donald Trump has asked Judge Tanya Chutkan to recuse herself because she hurt his fee-fees by not exclaiming admiringly over what a fantastic specimen he is and because he doesn’t like her rulings.
Of course, that is not what Trump SAID in his filing. But as you know, what Trump (or any lawyer of his) says is bound to be dishonest, so we are better off deciphering the meaning for ourselves.
Chutkan is competent. That is why Trump wants her off the case. He does not like being in her power. Thus — the magical filing Trump thinks will save him from the evil clutches of Judge Tanya Chutkan. It won’t.
This isn’t Narnia, Donnie, it’s the real-world. So TRY to stay in reality. I know however, this is difficult for you. Here is an ESTIMATE of what percentage this filing stands of succeeding.
Definition of ZERO — “No quantity or number:naught: the figure 0.” Trump’s chances are at a beautiful ZERO! And they just might go down to MINUS zero soon.
This motion has as much chance of coming true as Samuel Alito gaining respecting for women, of Lindsey Graham standing up for himself, of Nikki Haley taking a position on anything, of Gym Jordan lowering his voice. Meaning — zero. It isn’t happening.
It is fun to watch Trump make these zero-sum motions that cannot happen. Notice he did not call for Judge Cannon’s recusal. Of course, he didn’t! But something tells me Cannon WILL be off the case at some point.
Trump is stuck with Chutkan. Sounds OK to me! I would not be surprised if he tries to oust the Georgia Judge, too, because he does seem good. ANYONE who does not worship at the altar of Donald Trump, in Trump’s mind, is unfair.