Falling apart at the seams

We need to raise $5771 to continue our fight against Trump. Click here to donate what you can.

Donald Trump wants you to know that he took a billion dollar bribe from Saudi Arabia. He also wants you to know that he’s not happy with the latest fake poll numbers he’s made up. And he wants you to know that his entire paycheck goes to drugs.

Donald Trump is falling apart at the seams, of his own accord, just as quickly as any of his adversaries can dismantle him. If this were a movie, we’d be wondering why the screenwriters decided to have the main villain self destruct before the film even reached its end. Trump is unraveling so severely, his own Republican allies in the House and Senate are now trying to hedge their bets by lashing out at his briefings and voting to take his war powers away. After all, they’re afraid he’s going to implode so badly, he’s going to end up taking them down with him.

So now what? No one knows for sure. With the rate at which Donald Trump now appears to be tattling on himself, his slip-ups could swiftly turn into very real scandals for him. And yet the mainstream media still isn’t fully willing to acknowledge that Trump’s cognitive abilities are disappearing before everyone’s eyes. How much longer before Trump’s mental decline becomes the story?

We need to raise $5771 to continue our fight against Trump. Click here to donate what you can.