Faking it

– Now that Donald Trump has lost, he’s making clear that he has zero interest in all the Americans who are dying in the pandemic. This means that Trump never cared about the pandemic when he was holding all those press conferences about it during the spring and summer either. He was faking it, because he had to do the bare minimum to pretend he cared in order to keep his hopes of reelection alive. But then we already knew that.
– Jim Jordan is attacking Dr. Fauci’s judgment, which is yet another reason for us to trust Dr. Fauci’s judgment. If a thug like Jordan were praising Fauci, I’d be worried.
– Tweet of the day, from Andrew Werthmann, DNC Member from Wisconsin: “In 16 days, every day will begin to have more sunlight. In 46 days, Joe Biden and Kamala Harris will be the most powerful leaders in the world. In the next few months (fingers crossed) the vaccine & people being safe will help us beat this pandemic. I’m starting to see the light.”